Following our recent news that Seahaven FM was facing closure in the New Year, we are happy to bring an update with some good news for listeners.
Below is a statement from Seahaven FM:
You have likely heard that Seahaven FM, your local radio station run by volunteers for listeners in East Sussex, was under threat of closure. That announcement at the end of November resulted in a heart-warming response from listeners across the Eastbourne and Ouse Valley areas.
We can now announce that the station is not closing!
Station Manager Nick Mallinson says: "It's been a roller-coaster ride in the last few weeks. We have received an overwhelming number of supportive calls and messages from listeners. They do not want to lose the company of our local presenters, the wide range of music from across eight decades and the useful local information.
"Local people and organisations have also donated generously on our Local Giving page. Some are choosing to donate regular amounts which will help our cashflow throughout next year. Also, a wonderful and anonymous local sponsor from Eastbourne has guaranteed financial support during 2025. So, we are now busy planning for the Next Year and beyond!
"Our final present this Christmas is the arrival of an experienced broadcaster to join our management team. He has both run his own successful business and managed a large charitable organisation which, like Seahaven FM, is mainly staffed by volunteers."
It's a Christmas story with a happy ending for the radio station, for those who rely on it for company during the day, those promoting their community events and for the local businesses which advertise their supplies and services.
New sponsors, donors, advertisers, volunteers and listeners are always welcome. There are more details about the station, and how you can help support us on our website: