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Networking Events Sussex

Our Sussex networking events connect you with the right people. From member hosted events to chamber curry nights - meet a friendly group of people and grow your local business!

Professional Networking Events in Sussex

As the largest chamber of commerce in the South East, our mission is to help businesses from all sectors and of all sizes to grow their businesses.We do this through a wide variety of mentoring, support and business networking.

Meeting the right people is key and our events calendar is full of monthly networking opportunities in and around Eastbourne. From business networking breakfasts to member evenings, virtual meets to face to face meets, social and training events to helpful and engaging workshops.

We have events for every business, at different times of the day to fit your working schedule. You can utilise our many professional networking events in Sussex to meet new prospects, showcase your products and/or services, build new business relationships and access helpful information that will help your business thrive. In the past we have held free member seminars on business rates, GDPR and cyber security. Members are invited to suggest topics they would like to see covered and we will make this happen.  

Our members come from a huge array of sectors and range from small businesses to large multinational companies from the East Sussex and West Sussex area. If you are considering joining us, simply contact our friendly team and they can advise you further on our networking events in Sussex. Alternatively, you can sign up online by visiting our membership page. The process is simple and once you become a member you can attend our many events and training opportunities.

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Business Support in Sussex

Providing businesses with support to help them grow is a key part of the Eastbourne unLtd Chamber of Commerce membership. This support is varied and diverse to meet the needs of all our members: 

Training Sessions - Members have access to fully-funded independent advice, training sessions and guidance. If you would need a course that is more relevant to your business simply let us know and we will arrange a course around this.

Funding Opportunities - If you are interested in accessing funding and grant opportunities we can provide advice and support on specific opportunities that are available to your business. Having access to this information before it is publicised means you get to hear of funding and/or grants before others.

Export Advice - For businesses who export products overseas, our network of export specialists are on-hand to answer any questions you may have regarding this. In addition to this, we can administer introductions to fellow business leaders and UKTI who can share their experiences with you.

HR Support - We provide two free advice sessions for HR related advice and queries in any twelve month period for our members. For assistance with certain HR documents these are great sessions to get the information you need.

Business Networking Groups

If you would like details on any upcoming networking event please take a look through our events calendar below. To find out more information on any of the events just give our team a call and they will be happy to help - 01323 641144.

Together we can help your business grow with our networking community of professionals!